Cyberpunk metallic door

Here is a futuristic metallic door that I've made in Blender, the purpose of making this door was to learn about a mix of procedural texturing and realistic hand painted textures. for more info on how I made this click the button below!

Waterdocks 3D animation

This is a 3D environment that I've made blender, all of the models, rigs, textures and animations have been hand crafted and hand painted in either blender or 3D coat. for more info on this project, click the button below

Coffee mug robot

This is a robotic coffee mug that I've made in blender, using subdivision modifiers and fully made with procedural texturing. for more info on the Coffee mug robot, press the button below!

Realistic Custom katana

This is a 3D Katan i have made, this model has a medium poly count and has fully custom textures, to see more click the button below!

Product renders for Kookgigant

This is a collections of realistic Product Renders i had made for Kookgigant. these renders were made to be put up on their website.

Be sure to visit my Artstation and Instagram for more of my art!